By using the term “media-bodies”, we are looking specifically at borderline, complex and problematic complex and problematic bodies, not just those considered monstrous, but also those prosthetic, non-normative, hybrid bodies that circulate precisely on the borders and therefore circumscribe the limits of the human.
The category of an essentially medial body is assumed, epistemologically operative in its own methodologies of embodiment and revelation, and also as a category that allows more and other bodies to be imagined.
One of the aims of this project, in its different lines of research, is to carry out an archaeology of these media-bodies, knowing that each study will reveal its own articulations activated by the media-body in question: its context, its language, its materiality and its embodied politics.
Starting the research with the mythological figure of HARPIE, it will go through techno-scientific bodies such as the cyborg, others that emerge in the mediations and technological experimentation of artistic practices, others that move between different atmospheres and elements such as plants (and their digital transmutation), and even those that are announced in current technical and cultural complexities, in the materials they edit and produce, trying to understand what imaginaries they claim.
The website, which is always being updated, is organized as a glossary that circumscribes the terms, practices and materialities of the research.
Aida Estela Castro
Catarina Braga
(artist and PhD candidate)
Ana Carolina Fiuza
Maria Mire
Internal short-term project supported by ICNOVA and financed by National Funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology under Project ref.