O projeto AFRO-EUROPEAN NARRATIVES (589356-CITIZ-1-2017-1-PT-CITIZ-RENEM) coordenado por Maria Teresa Cruz (docente na NOVA FCSH e investigadora no ICNOVA) foi um dos projetos aprovados para financiamento pela Comissão Europeia, no âmbito do call for proposals: EACEA – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency/ Europe for Citizens – European remembrance.
O projeto com início em 2018, tem como objetivo criar um arquivo on-line de histórias quer pessoais quer coletivas de cidadãos europeus com experiências e memórias de relação com países e culturas africanas (afrodescendência, identidades interculturais, memórias coloniais e de diáspora, etc).

O consórcio é coordenado pelo CIC.DIGITAL NOVA/ICNOVA sediado na Universidade Nova de Lisboa, tendo como IR Maria Teresa Cruz. Os restantes parceiros são o AFROLIS – Cultural Association / Audioblog (Lisboa), a RAMag – Associación Cultural Radio Africa / Radio Africa Magazine (Catalunha).


Digital networks and archives are privileged media for transnational and intercultural dialogue, for the discovery of a shared memory and of a common present in postcolonial Europe. The aim of this collaborative project is to create an online multimedia open archive of personal and collective stories about the connection between European citizens and the African Continent and cultures. These narratives may arise from memories of the African diaspora, ethnical origins, daily experiences and cultural dialogue. This dynamic storytelling platform will show the widespread presence of African cultural traits and African related memories across European societies – the result of colonial and post-colonial history that relate the two continents. The project will especially address young generations, namely afro-descendant Europeans and their intercultural identities, for whom the relation to African countries and cultures is most often that of an indirect remembrance passed on by communities and older generations and also that of the dominant images and narratives spread over the media landscape.

The engagement in this storytelling process opens-up the opportunity to relate former separated national contexts and to encourage counter-narratives concerning stereotypes on ethnicity and Afro-descendant condition. The transnational approach and the discovery of similar stories across various European countries aim to strengthen the awareness of a European Citizenship, as a status that reaches across ethnical and cultural diversity and helps to transcend conflicting elements within national identity narratives. This project also joins the proclamation of the “Internacional Decade For People African Descent” (2015-2024) by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

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Foto de Guillaume Périgois na Unsplash