
The ICNOVA labs develop applied research and cutting-edge models while strengthening the engagement with the community and other academic and industry partners. They also operate hand-in-hand with education and advanced training in journalism, digital creation and visual culture.

BLACKBOX: Arts & Cognition Lab

A lab that works with invited artists to analyse and document their unique compositional processes, combining the contributions of contemporary creators with the theories of Human Integration, Gesture Studies, Cognitive Sciences and Computer Vision.

Coordination: Carla Fernandes
CAN – Colégio Almada Negreiros – 1st Floor

iNOVA Media Lab

Both a lab and a research group at ICNOVA. Expanding on the intersection of social sciences and digital technologies, it promotes the triangle between applied research, education and engagement with society in direct collaboration with national and international communities and academic and industry partners, contributing to a constructive and sustainable creative research ecosystem.

Coordination: Paulo Nuno Vicente
CAN – Colégio Almada Negreiros – 1st Floor – Room 138-A

Stage Experimentation Lab

The aim of this lab is to develop the training of performers, experimenting, in practice, with new avenues of work in theatre, dance, performance art, circus arts and opera and developing theoretical and critical thinking about the performing arts.

Its focus is on improvisation, which has been explored in several of the workshops it has hosted with Portuguese, Brazilian and Argentinian professors: Viewpoints, Visual Field, Commedia del’Arte, Movement and Voice, Rhythmic body balance, Grotovsky, and others.

Coordination: Paulo Filipe Monteiro

CAN – Colégio Almada Negreiros – 1st Floor – ICNOVA Room

Applied Communication Research Lab (LICA)

A space for empirical research projects in the fields of Strategic Communication and Decision-making Processes.

It provides technological equipment and software to observe, collect and analyze attitudes and behaviour, individually or in groups: eye tracking technology, galvanic skinresponse, SPSS, FaceReader, etc. It also aims to boost skills in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. 

The resources of LICA are available to researchers of ICNOVA and students of the DCC.

Coordination: Ana Margarida Barreto

Other labs

Equipped spaces that promote the intersection of education and research.

Location: Av.
de Berna Campus, Tower B, 5th floor (Communication Sciences Laboratory).

Equipment: 15 computers with digital editing and creation software, a tv and a projector.

Users: Researchers and PhD students of ICNOVA, faculty and students of the DCC.


Location: Av. de Berna Campus of NOVA FCSH, B Tower, 5th floor (Communication Sciences Lab).

Equipment: sound recording, editing and post-production.

Users: Researchers and PhD students of ICNOVA, faculty and students of the DCC.


Location: Av. de Berna Campus of NOVA FCSH, B Tower, 5th floor (Communication Sciences Lab).

Equipment: MAC computers with video editing software.

Users: Researchers and PhD students of ICNOVA, faculty and students of the DCC.
