ICNOVA doctoral student Camilla Lamartine has published an article in the journal “Postcolonial Directions in Education” on the experiences of Brazilian immigrants in Portuguese academia.

The study addresses the challenges faced by these early career researchers in the process of integration, knowledge production and cultural adaptation in European universities, with a focus on former colonizing countries.

Based on interviews with 10 Brazilian researchers, the article analyzes the impact of colonial legacies on academic life, as well as the influence of factors such as gender, nationality, sexuality, age and language on professional trajectory.

The article also discusses the need to decolonize higher education, integrating perspectives from the Global South into curricula and promoting greater equity and diversity in academia.

The publication is available in English on open access here: https://www.um.edu.mt/library/oar/bitstream/123456789/125022/1/Between_knowledges_and_silences_2024.pdf

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