Advanced training

ICNOVA is associated with three PhD programs, five master’s degrees, one bachelor’s degree and five laboratories.

We combine teaching and research

We integrate young researchers with a PhD in less than five years into the groups and laboratories via scientific employment funded by ST projects and institutions, as well as students from the three doctorates and five master’s degrees associated with ICNOVA.

We offer training events, such as Winter School, Smart Data Sprint and Summer School courses, and laboratories where projects can be developed in partnership with curricular units from the various study cycles.

In our relations with society, industry and other R&D units, we focus on innovative research, co-creation and interaction with communities.

Degree courses

Graduates in Communication Sciences are equipped with the concepts, tools and methodologies necessary for professional practice or academic research in the different areas of communication.
The syllabus reconciles the general needs of theoretical and practical training with the possibility of creating a personalized path for the student in four optional areas: Journalism, Strategic Communication, Cinema and Television, Communication, Culture and the Arts.

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The Master in Performing Arts (MAC) has been developing a new type of reflection on the performing arts, not treated as literature.
We will focus on the performative act that creates its own unmistakable poetics.
We don’t want to train actors or dancers or singers: we want to train artists.

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The master’s degree in Communication Sciences aims to enable students to acquire the following common knowledge and skills:

  • know how to develop and deepen the knowledge obtained at 1st cycle level in the area of Communication Sciences as an essential part of the Social and Human Sciences, understanding the strategic position of communication phenomena in contemporary societies;
  • understand the position of the Communication Sciences and their respective areas of specialization in the epistemology of the Social and Human Sciences, from which they receive multiple contributions and to which they contribute; know how to define objects and methodologies for their own research in the Communication Sciences and apply their knowledge to them, particularly in new and unfamiliar situations and in the specific fields that are constantly developing in this area;
  • knowing how to carry out research with scientific rigor in the field of Communication Sciences or in a multidisciplinary context, so that dialogue with other fields of knowledge is not an impediment but an incentive to affirm one’s own field of knowledge;
  • develop the ability to communicate their methodologies and conclusions, and the knowledge and reasoning behind them, in writing or orally, to both specialists and non-specialists, in a clear and reasoned manner;
  • understand the specific nature of the chosen specialization;
  • acquire skills that enable them to develop autonomous lifelong learning, in continuous dialogue with scientific and extra-scientific knowledge.

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The Master’s Degree in Science Communication is the result of a partnership between the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology and the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University Lisbon.

During the curricular part of the master’s degree, students have the opportunity to discuss the relationship between science and society and the responsibility of scientists in this relationship, to learn about the evolution of the concept of science communication itself, to learn and train in strategic communication and journalism tools, and to come into contact with examples of successful communication projects.

In addition to the heads of the different curricular units, the Master’s in Science Communication includes the participation of Portuguese scientists and science communicators.

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The Master’s in Journalism aims to train professionals to practice journalism by providing them with the essential tools of the profession, which include analysis and reflection on the actual processes of news construction.

The master’s degree accepts graduates in all areas of knowledge who want to acquire or deepen their knowledge in the field of journalism.

In addition to career teachers with relevant professional experience, the Master’s in Journalism also counts on the participation of renowned professionals in the field, who are responsible for the specialized journalism seminars.

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The Master’s Degree in New Media and Web Practices is part of the 2nd Cycle offer of the Department of Communication Sciences at NOVA FCSH.
The Master’s articulates arts, science and media technology, affirming its STE(A)M nature, and working in conjunction with NOVA FCSH’s digital infrastructure, in particular with the digital innovation laboratory iNOVA Media Lab.

The Master’s Degree in New Media and Web Practices is aligned with the options of the INCoDe2030 strategy, in particular the current demands for digital transition and transformation in education and the professional world, as well as the digital innovation dimension of the National Strategy for Intelligent Specialization and the 2021-2027 Community Framework, in particular strengthening the transfer of knowledge and technology between academia and universities.

The course is committed to internationalization, offering various workshops by international guests and the possibility of study and research periods at partner institutions.
The master’s also invests in partnerships with companies in the creative and technological sector, particularly studios and workshops in the new media, audiovisual production and video game design sectors, among others.

Joint initiatives are permanently established with the PhD in Digital Media, a partnership between the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the Universidade do Porto, guaranteeing Master’s students active participation in events, projects and networks.

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The PhD program in Communication Sciences was designed following an analysis of the best foreign experiences, which are based on a solid balance between in-depth research in a specific area of communication sciences and the interdisciplinary openness typical of a third cycle of studies.
Two compulsory curricular units in the first semester fulfill the requirements of promoting an interdisciplinary environment and developing methodological skills.
The remaining curricular units fulfill the requirement of the specialty that the doctoral student will have already identified as the subject of their research.

An essential part of the course consists of a Final Paper, which is the ideal opportunity for the student to present a first version of their doctoral thesis project.
Each doctoral student will have a tutor who will support them in their thematic and methodological choices and in the preparation of the Final Paper.

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The objectives of the PhD in Art Studies – Art and Mediations are:

  • provide students with up-to-date theoretical, methodological and analytical tools to carry out advanced research in the field of artistic studies;
  • to build up and give students access to a critical body of knowledge and methodologies on art with a high level of internationalization and updating;
  • to enhance the possibilities for research into the artistic object and problem opened up by the interdisciplinary crossing of methodologies and knowledge from the different social and human sciences;
  • create a platform for reflection on artistic practice that, in specific cases, supports the implementation of the stipulations of Decree-Law 230/2009, which sets out the conditions for awarding a doctorate to creators of artistic works, and more specifically supports the academic framework of “written grounds that explain the process of conception and elaboration, the research capacity, and its framework in the evolution of knowledge”.

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The PhD program in Digital Media, an association between the University of Porto and NOVA University Lisbon, through NOVA FCSH and FCT NOVA, in collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin, provides specialized training in the area of Digital Media.

The emergence of new applications in the area of digital media, such as video games, interactive content on the web, interactive TV, video on demand, the emergence of educational software with a high impact on young people and, even more recently, the dissemination of information, marketing and leisure content on mobile devices, demonstrate the importance of studying and researching this type of content and studying its relationship with technology, the different areas of science and society in general.
There is also a clear need for universities to train professionals in this area, with the skills corresponding to the various levels of training and, in this case, at third cycle level.

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Location: Av. de Berna of NOVA FCSH, Tower B, 5th floor (Communication Sciences Laboratory).

Equipment: 15 computers with software for digital editing and creation, a television and a projector.

Recipients: ICNOVA researchers and doctoral students, DCC teachers and students.


Location: Av. de Berna of NOVA FCSH, Tower B, 5th floor (Communication Sciences Laboratory).

Equipment: sound recording, editing and post-production.

Recipients: ICNOVA researchers and doctoral students, DCC teachers and students.


Location: Av. de Berna of NOVA FCSH, Tower B, 5th floor (Communication Sciences Laboratory).

Equipment: MAC computers with video editing software.

Recipients: ICNOVA researchers and doctoral students, DCC teachers and students.


Location: Av. de Berna of NOVA FCSH, Tower B, 5th floor.

Location: Av. de Berna of NOVA FCSH, Tower B, 5th floor.