
Looking critically at contemporary phenomena to contribute to their deconstruction and a better intervention.

OBI.MEDIA - Media Innovation Observatory

Created in 2021, Obi.Media analyses narrative, digital, social, inclusive and financial innovation practices in the media and in other Portuguese cultural and creative industries, but also obstacles to their implementation, with the aim of maximizing the conditions for innovation and creativity, from a perspective of responsibility and sustainability. It is part of the Media Journalism RG but involves all researchers.

Coordination: Dora Santos Silva

EVAM - Visual Studies and Media Archaeology Observatory

Integrated into the Culture, Mediation and Arts RG, EVAM was born out of the need to debate themes and issues related to the research in visual studies conducted by the PhD students of ICNOVA at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University of Lisbon. The Observatory also aims to promote and share scientific and/or artistic research and work with the broader academic community and all those with an interest in this field.


Maura Grimaldi and Philippo Di Tomasi

Diversity and Pluralism Observatory

Integrated into the Media and Journalism RG, this observatory is the results of two projects: DIVinTV – Public Television and Diversity in Portugal (2014) and the Media Pluralism Monitor, which seeks to analyse the various ecosystems of media systems as well as the threats to pluralism and freedom of the press in the Member States of the European Union and some candidate countries. The regular output of the Observatory takes the form of an analysis of the Portuguese case in the annual report of the Media Pluralism Monitor.

Coordinator: Francisco Rui Cádima

21st Century Populism Observatory

This Observatory was created in 2020 by researchers Liziane Guazina (University of Brasília), Isabel Ferin Cunha (University of Coimbra/ICNOVA), Ana Cabrera (NOVA University of Lisbon/IHC) and Bruno Araújo (Federal University of Mato Grosso). It collects, records and critically assesses sources of information and academic works on this issue, within three lines of research: populism and the pandemic, populism and gender and populism and the media.

Coordination (ICNOVA): Isabel Ferin