Vários investigadores do ICNOVA vão participar na 9th European Communication Conference (ECC), organizada pela ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), a School of Communication and Culture da AARHUS University, e o DMJX (Danish School of Media and Journalism), que decorre de 19 a 22 de outubro, na Universidade de Aarhus, Dinamarca. Este ano, a conferência tem como objetivo analisar o tema “Rethink Impact”, que pretende discutir como a investigação, a educação académica e o treinamento interagem, impactam e refletem a sociedade. Ao todo serão apresentadas nove comunicações.
Lista de autores e título de comunicação:
Ana Sofia Paiva
“Mapping the maps: what the world sounds like and how these tools can be applied to radio and sound content”
Ana Marta Flores
“Challenging imaginaries: mediated young adults’ practices in mobile
Carolina Ferreira Baptista
“A web out of nothing: rethinking anorexia’s discourses through virtuality.”
Carla Baptista
“Representations of anti-racist activism and black identity in the media. A case study about police violence against a black community in Portugal”
Celiana Azevedo
“The implementation of public policies in Brazil: the relationship between social and digital inclusion”
Cristina Ponte
Ioli Campos
“Cars for girls and dolls for boys: overview about gender differences in the relationship between children and the digital media”
Marisa Torres da Silva
“The strategic alliance between professional journalism and academia through investigative reporting”